
After selecting Post & Print function for Journal, Invoice, Credit Memo, etc. the Post Report does not print. User is able to print reports not connected to posting function in Navision and printer connection is correct. This issue is happening at individual user clients.

Solution Cause:
Often when the Post & Print function doesn't work, it is because of a filter at the GL entry level.


Check the following for filters:

-Fin. Mgmt > General Ledger > Reports > Entries > G/L Register 
-Clear any filters on G/L Register and G/L Entry tabs
-Test Post & Print

Also, if you want to print any reports after the fact that were missed because of above, go to:

-Fin. Mgmt > General Ledger > History > Registers 
-Search by entry number > Register button > select appropriate ledger 
-Select entry > Navigate > Print