Abnormal Posting Dates
Modified on: Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 3:02 PM
Issue |
Abnormal Posting Dates
Solution |
If the posting date of credit memo is earlier than the posting date of invoice then we face issues in Inventory Valuation report and in some cases even unit cost may go weird. To check such abnormal posting date. We can use report which is attached here.
Copy the following text and run it !!!!!!!!!!!
OBJECT Report 50005 Invt. Abnormal Posting Dates { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=07/12/09; Time=20:12:02; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { OnPreReport=BEGIN ValueFilter := "Value Entry".GETFILTERS; END;
} DATAITEMS { { PROPERTIES { DataItemTable=Table5802; DataItemTableView=SORTING(Document No.,Posting Date); OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ItemLedgEntry.GET("Item Ledger Entry No.");
IF ItemLedgEntry."Posting Date" <= "Posting Date" THEN CurrReport.SKIP;
IF (ItemLedgEntry."Posting Date" >= GETRANGEMIN("Posting Date")) AND (ItemLedgEntry."Posting Date" <= GETRANGEMAX("Posting Date")) THEN CurrReport.SKIP; END;
ReqFilterFields=Posting Date; TotalFields=Cost Amount (Actual),Cost Posted to G/L; } SECTIONS { { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; PrintOnEveryPage=Yes; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=2115; } CONTROLS { { 1000000001;Label ;0 ;0 ;7500 ;423 ;FontSize=8; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Abnormal Item Posting Dates } { 1000000002;TextBox;15000;0 ;3150 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr=FORMAT(TODAY,0,4) } { 1000000003;TextBox;0 ;423 ;7500 ;423 ;SourceExpr=COMPANYNAME } { 1000000004;TextBox;17700;423 ;450 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Page; SourceExpr=CurrReport.PAGENO } { 1000000005;Label ;16950;423 ;750 ;423 ;ParentControl=1000000004 } { 1000000006;TextBox;15900;846 ;2250 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr=USERID } { 1000000019;TextBox;0 ;1269 ;13050;423 ;SourceExpr=ValueFilter } { 1000000022;TextBox;0 ;1692 ;13050;423 ;SourceExpr='Report displays item receipts or shipments posted AFTER the invoice dates.' } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Header; PrintOnEveryPage=Yes; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=1269; } CONTROLS { { 1000000009;Label ;0 ;0 ;1050 ;846 ;ParentControl=1000000008; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes } { 1000000012;Label ;1200 ;0 ;1500 ;846 ;ParentControl=1000000011; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes } { 1000000015;Label ;2850 ;0 ;1200 ;846 ;ParentControl=1000000014; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Posting Date } { 1000000018;Label ;4200 ;0 ;1500 ;846 ;ParentControl=1000000017; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes } { 1000000021;Label ;5850 ;0 ;1050 ;846 ;ParentControl=1000000020; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes } { 1000000024;Label ;9000 ;0 ;1800 ;846 ;ParentControl=1000000023; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes } { 1000000027;Label ;10950;0 ;1800 ;846 ;ParentControl=1000000026; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes } { 1000000000;Label ;7050 ;0 ;1800 ;846 ;VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Item Ledger Posting Date } { 1000000028;Label ;13050;0 ;1350 ;846 ;ParentControl=1000000025; VertAlign=Bottom; FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Body; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=423; } CONTROLS { { 1000000008;TextBox;0 ;0 ;1050 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr="Entry No." } { 1000000011;TextBox;1200 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; SourceExpr="Item No." } { 1000000014;TextBox;2850 ;0 ;1200 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; SourceExpr="Posting Date" } { 1000000017;TextBox;4200 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left; SourceExpr="Document No." } { 1000000020;TextBox;5850 ;0 ;1050 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry No." } { 1000000023;TextBox;9000 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Actual)" } { 1000000026;TextBox;10950;0 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr="Cost Posted to G/L" } { 1000000007;TextBox;7050 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr=ItemLedgEntry."Posting Date" } { 1000000025;TextBox;13050;0 ;1350 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry Type" } } } { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Footer; SectionWidth=18150; SectionHeight=846; } CONTROLS { { 1000000010;TextBox;10950;423 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr="Cost Posted to G/L" } { 1000000013;TextBox;9000 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Right; SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Actual)" } { 1000000016;Label ;4800 ;423 ;4050 ;423 ;LeaderDots=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Total Posted Amount } } } } } } REQUESTFORM { PROPERTIES { Width=5500; Height=1320; } CONTROLS { { 1000000000;Label ;0 ;0 ;5500 ;1320 ;MultiLine=Yes; LeaderDots=No; CaptionML=ENU=Please fill in the date range for a particular period on the Posting Date filter } } } CODE { VAR ItemLedgEntry@1000000000 : Record 32; ValueFilter@1000000001 : Text[250];
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