Issue Database Server Cannot be Started with Default Navision Installation Account
Note: Please see attachment for screenshots of solution

The problem is with the logon account specified for the database service and how it won't allow a user to gain access.

There are 2 ways to resolve this problem:

First method:

1. Right click on the service "Microsoft Business Solutions - Navision Database Server (The default name of the database server is the machine name)

2. Select "Properties"

3.Select the Log On tab and select the "Local System account" option and click OK.  

4. Start the service.  

Second Method:

Set up a local user to handle the Navision services log on.  Since the application server requires local administrator privileges, you can create and use this same user as the log on for both services

1. Database Server :< Machine Name>

2. Application Server :< Machine Name>-CLASSIC or SQL

NOTE:  This level of permission is not required for the database server but it is required by the application server.