Typically Jet Reports simply work as expected subsequent to an upgrade.  The intention of this article is to provide suggestions of things to review if they do not!

Changed Field Captions/Names

After an upgrade there are sometimes minor field name changes.  Your reports may need to be updated to account for these new changes.  An example would be the changing of Kitting to Assembly.

Deprecated Functionality

After an upgrade there are sometimes there is functionality dropped from NAV.  Your reports may need to be updated to account for these new changes.  An example would be Bizflow.

Blank Filtering using @@

Change Cell references when using the @@ to check for blank fields and ensure that the "@@"& is used at the front of the reference.  For example:

=A3&"@@" should be changed to ="@@"&A3

Jet Support Article to reference - https://jetsupport.jetreports.com/hc/en-us/articles/218953728-Blank-Filters-using-and-other-techniques