Issue: After assigning a user the SUPER permission set for all or a specific company, the user is not able to access the Customer table to create or edit unexpectedly.

Example: The user has SUPER Permission Set for Company = <Blank> (Super for all companies). When running the “Effective Permissions” report tool the user should have Read, Insert, Modify, Delete permissions but does not. 

The user's permission for Customer table is restricted:

Permissions for Customer table S/B:


If the user is a SUPER for all companies, but has reduced access to companies which are NOT Evaluation type, it may be an indication of a licensing issue.  If the user has assigned via Office 365 the Business Central IW license, this is for demo/evaluation only.

The user must be assigned a valid "Business Central" Essentials, Premium or Team license and the IW license type removed.

Business Central licenses can be acquired via our online marketplace.  Please visit and register for your account if you wish to have us assist you with your Office and Dynamics licensing needs or are an existing customer.

For more information see: