This article is to provide the instructions and support information for using the ODT Rentals PowerBI Dashboard.

In order to deploy the ODT Rentals PowerBI Dashboard, the following is required:

  • A Dynamics 365 Business Central license, assigned in Office 365 Admin and the User with permissions added in Business Central.  For more information review the related solution article here.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with the ODT Rentals extension available on Microsoft AppSource (North America or Rest of the World)
  • Identify your Environment Name and Company Name to use for connecting the report to your Business Central ODT Rental data.  
    • The environment is the database and is either a production or a sandbox type.  For more information and how to find your company name, review the related solution article here.
    • The company name is the identifier for the company in the related environment.  For more information and how to find your company name, review the related solution article here.
  • For versions of ODT Rentals prior to V7.0.0.3 the required ODT Web Services must be added.  You can use the attached app file to add the necessary web services and the specific names required.

With the Environment Name and Company Name identified, ODT Rentals Installed with the web services enabled, Install the ODT Rentals PowerBI dashboard.


  • Use the app and "Connect your data"
  • Provide your Environment and Company Name to connect to your Business Central tenant and enter login details that have a Business Central license.  Note:  The environment name must be in UPPERCASE and the Company name exactly as per the "Name" from the Company List, not the display name.


Note: For deploying the prototype or testing, use the following url:

<Current version is published!>

If deploying the prelease of the Rental Dashboard to your PowerBI instance you must allow for "Install template apps not listed in AppSource" via the Power BI Admin.


For additional support options, please review our support contact information found via: