Navision Error: 

'The transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L table.  Check where and how consistent function is used in the transaction to find the reason for the error."

This error is most often associated with how Navision calculates tax.  It can occur in any module including sales invoices, purchase orders, sales orders, etc.  The line item amount will calculate tax to three decimals places and the GL will accept two decimals places.  This causes the inconsistency error because the sub-ledger and GL won't match.

Two mutually exclusive methods to correct this:

1) - Enter each line item as non-taxable

    - Enter the tax amount on a separate line coded directly to
      the tax GL account
    - Post

This overrides the Navision calculation of tax

2) - Press F9 while in the invoice (or sales order, purchase 

      order, etc) and this will open the Statistics window
    - Select the Invoicing Tab (if that is an option)
    - Notice the value in the Tax Amount field for each line item.  
      Round down to down decimals places for any amount three  
      or more decimal places.
    - Exit Statistics window
    - Post

This corrects what the GL will receive when posted

This error message is inherent to Navision and needs procedures like above to post.  Try both methods before contacting Open Door for support.

  1. If neither work for you contact us at [email protected] with a screen shot of the error and description of the procedures tried prior and after error message.Acco