
An error message is encountered when trying to post invoice.

Error Message:

The transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table.
Check where and how the CONSISTENT function is used in the transaction to find the reason for the error.
Contact your system manager if you need assistance.
Parts of the program mark tables as inconsistent during very comprehensive tasks, such as posting.  This prevents data from being updated incorrectly.

Cause Microsoft Known Issue

This is a tax rounding issue. Copy the PO lines into Excel for accurate calculations.

In the PO, the Direct Unit Cost Excl Tax has amounts with up to four decimal places and the Line Amount Excl Tax field appears to be calculated based on the Direct Unit Cost Excl Tax multiplied by the Quantity. When you subtract the Line Amount Excl Tax from the Amount Including Tax, the Tax amount is exactly the same amount that appears in the PO statistics.

Manually key in the Line Amount Excl Tax amounts for those values that are rounding to more than two decimal places.

Then change the tax amount in the statistics on the Invoicing tab to a two-decimal place amount (based on Excel calculations).