
Company wishes to combine Customer A and B and all related history.

Customer A (no. 10000) has a balance of $10
Customer B (no. 20000) has a balance of $20

Company wishes to combine Customer A and B and all related history.


Step 1: Decide on what the combined no. is to be.

In this example we will make the combined customer as no. 20000

Step 2: Using code comment out the DELETE Trigger Code to allow the delete regarding of balances or delete via a utility using DELETE not DELETE(TRUE).

In this example customer card no. 20000 is deleted orphaning all records.

Step 3: Rename the second customer no. to be the first and pick up the other related transactions

In this example customer card no. 10000 is renamed to 20000


Customer 20000 will now display as $30 and all previous related tables will have updated Customer No. from 10000 to 20000