We are excited to have your organization as a reselling partner of Microsoft Cloud Services!

Our goal for this program is to provide your organization with competitive Microsoft licensing for your customers, supported by our organization.  You own your customer relationship and we simply facilitate licensing with your organization.  This article is intended to provide you with the information for accessing, registering and using our store.

You can shop online via: https://shop.opendoorerp.com

To get started please register your IT organization and account with us using the registration process and we will establish a reselling relationship with you.

When processing license orders for new or existing customers, there is a rigid process that must be followed.  The unique process is different if you are adding a customer who already has a O365 tenant with Microsoft or if is a brand new tenant.

It is critical to be patient and not refresh a screen while the order and provisioning is being processed.  It can take several minutes!

After being registered and adding the desired license for your customer to the card, you can start the checkout process.  This must be repeated for each customer you are ordering licenses for.  (you can not combine an order for multiple customers)

Proceed to Checkout...

Select whether the license is for your own internal organization, or for a customer you are reselling to:

(Note our invoices are prorated)

Choose to add to existing if already a customer, or new:

If New, and the account is created with Microsoft and associated with your IT company, you would:

  • Must ensure “Company Name” is created the exact same as what is existing in the Microsoft Customer portal as an existing account with Microsoft.

Populate customer information and select Next



(If they have a tenant initialized, whether licensed or not)

Otherwise, do not select the checkbox "My customer is already using Office 365..."  Leave blank if this is a brand new tenant to create, otherwise, enter the existing client's default domain configured in their Admin Portal.

Enter your details in the Microsoft Cloud Agreement and select to continue.


BE PATIENT! ;-)   please wait as needed for all the tasks to be completed.  This can take a few minutes.